Northern Mine Research Society
Registered Charity 326704
Collieries of the British Isles
The database behind this mapping arose from a much larger project, by Mike Gill, to establish a database of British Collieries. It began in 2003, partly in response to a suggestion by Alison Henesey, then librarian at the Yorkshire Coal Mining Museum, that "it would be useful to have a map which showed where the collieries were". Ten years later, the Northern Mine Research Society is proud to make this valuable tool freely available to anyone interested in coal mining history.

These maps are intended as tools for historians and they should not be used, in any way, to circumvent the process of Mining Reports and Property Search Services available from the Coal Authority. Anyone wishing to discover the likelihood of ground instability etc. should contact: The Coal Authority, 200 Lichfield Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4RG, (Tel. 0845 762 6848).

Please note that sites are recorded as point data, but it must be remembered that some occupied large areas and may be associated with other industries.

No project like this can be completed without help from a wide range of individuals, and I would like to thank the following: G. Brooks, Dr I.J. Brown, P. Deakin, T. Knapp, H.M. Martell, Dr P. Murphy, D. Poyner, K. Ramsay, M.J. Shaw, I. Spensley, M. Street, L.O. Tyson, Dr R. Vernon

Especial thanks are due to: Matthew Town and Damien Ronan, of Northern Archaeological Associates Ltd, for converting files for use with Google Earth. Also, various librarians at the National Coal Mining Museum for England, and Ceri Thompson, Curator (Coal Collections) Big Pit at Blaenavon.

The project was also supported by a NMRS Grant towards the cost of data gathering.

The following sources have been used to compile the database:-
The maps are offered in both 2D format using Google Maps and 3D format; however you must have Google Earth installed on your computer to use this. The Google Earth files are slower to load and run than the 2D maps version, however both contain the same data. Point to and click on a marker to see details of that site.





Mine Name Correct NGR
Scotland    Andershaw 282690.626060
Scotland Harwood 301390.662010
Scotland Oakfield 313330.693550
Scotland Whistleberry 270230.657265
Wales Ainkell, Redbath & Bolton Hall    191220.211350
Wales Eastern 297075.194365
Wales Llanhilleth 322045.200225
Wales New Duke 269370.209255

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