Another, smaller, outlier of Tan Hill Coal was worked at Taylor Rigg Colliery, some 1.3 km north-west of the Tan Hill Inn. In 1825-6 Lord Thanet’s lessees spent between £3000 and £4000 on sinking a shaft a little more than 20 fms to a 30 inch thick seam of coal at Taylor Rigg. The 12 ft diameter shaft, which was double the normal size, was sunk into the lowest part of that coalfield, estimated to be about 50 acres in extent, and they installed a 12 horse power steam pumping and winding engine on it. By September 1826, this pit employed from six to eight colliers and its output was affecting coal sales at Tan Hill. In 1832, however, Taylor Rigg was closed because it required two pumping engines. The coal was described as being of a tender nature and no pillars had been worked here because they were not strong enough for that purpose.

Gill, M.C. “Great Dales Coalfield, Eastern Areas” British Mining No.86 (2008), pp.68-108

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