This mine lies 210 yards from the shore at Penzance opposite Wherry Town. It did reach a depth of 25 fathoms and was mined for cassiterite found in the outcrop of elvan dyke in metamorphosed Killas.

In the 1700s work was started on the surface when the tide permitted. After a time a wooden casing 2 ft square and 20 ft high was erected through which a shaft was sunk. A trestle bridge connected the casing to the shore. By 1789 this bridge was destroyed and work stopped. In 1834 there was an attempt at the mine`s revival but abandoned by 1740, followed by a little ore obtained in 1859.

Records of output are lacking but the ore sold before 1818 is said to have been worth £70,000. Nowadays at low tide, the outcrop can be seen.

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