Alasdair Neill

In memory of the late Alasdair Neill who died in October 2016.

Ali had a real passion for all underground explorations, both in caves and mines. He played a pivotal role during his 28 years associated with the Matienzo Caves Project in Northern Spain.

He was well known for his attention to detail and this was shown not only in the surveys he drew, but also in the other projects he did.

As a long time member of NMRS, Ali compiled an index to  our newsletters and journals over the years. While not complete it represents around 95% of the contents up to 2016.

We have just published another project that he was working on up to his death, an index of sources for mining history running to over 76,000 entries. This is now available as a searchable database on this website. Please note that mine locations are given as they were when recorded and some will now be in another county owing to later boundary revisions. We also have a list of the sources that he used.