Inspector of Mines of the District HENRY HALL Esq., Rainhill, Near

SPECIAL RULES for the Conduct and Guidance of the Persons acting in the Management, and of all Persons employed in or about the Works; and nothing in the Special Rules is to be taken to relieve the Owner, Agent or Manager, or any Person employed at or about the Mine, of any responsibility imposed upon him by the Act of Parliament itself.



1). He shall have the daily supervision and control above and below ground.

2). He shall comply with the Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1872; and shall, to the best of his power, enforce the observance of the said Act and the General and Special Rules.

3). He shall appoint such competent persons as may be necessary for the carrying out of the provisions of the said Act, and to provide for the safety and proper discipline of the persons employed in the mine or mines under his control, and in the temporary absence or unemployment of any of the officials whose duties are enumerated in the following rules, he shall specify in writing upon whom the duties devolve.

4). To attend the pit every day; to see that all the rules in the different departments are closely and rigidly carried out; to suspend anyone infringing or attempting to infringe any rule, and to order him out of the pit; to receive the daily reports of the underlookers, and daily to advise with and instruct them an all points; to give immediate attention to any complaint, and to inspect personally, such parts of the mine or waste as may be reported to him as unsafe or in any way needing his attention; to keep a journal of the chief incidents of each day.

5). To see that printed notices are hung up in proper places relating to the signals to be used in shafts and on inclines and engine planes, the number of persons to ascend or descend the pits at one time, the hours at which boys and young persons shall enter and leave the mine, the danger boards and signals in the workings and that requisite books in his department are provided.

6). To see that the General and Special Rules are duly observed and carried into effect.


7). He shall have the daily supervision and responsible charge of the pit, under the direction of the manager.

8). He shall at once send notice of any accident to any person to the manager.

9).To at once inspect personally such parts of the pit as may be reported to him as unsafe, or in any way need his attention, and to remedy any defect.

10). Not to leave the pit without communicating with the back-underlooker (head fireman).

11). To consult daily with the back-underlooker (head fireman) and the firemen on all matters connected
with the mine.

12).To adjust the barometer and thermometer at the bank before going down the pit, and register their indications, and when any unusual fall of the barometer has taken place, to caution the firemen.

13). To visit and examine every working place in the pit at least once every other day; the  backunderlooker to visit and examine each place each day those working places where the underlooker has not been, so that every working place may be visited and examined daily.

14). To order all necessary props, timbers, stores and other materials, and to see they are sent into districts where needed and to report any deficient supply to the manager.

15). If any part of the pit be unsafe, either from the presence of gas or other causes, to at once withdraw the men, and to see that such precautions are taken as will prevent any person entering the same; he shall also inform the manager and the back-underlooker, and register the same in the book provided for that purpose. No serious accumulation of gas shall be removed except when the ordinary workmen are out of the pit.

16). To examine the air currents daily, and if there be any deficiency, to ascertain the cause, and to take the proper steps for having it remedied; also from time to time to travel the returns and all accessible parts of the mine, and making himself acquainted with the same.

17). To examine and see that all doors, stoppings, and air crossings in the workings are kept in repair.

18). To provide sufficient man-holes or places of refuge in all the engine planes, spunneys, levels, and horse roads, and to keep the same free from all rubbish and loose materials; also to provide proper means of signalling on every engine plane and spunney which exceeds 30 yards in length, and to see that every engine plane had proper stops and chocks.

19). To provide sufficient turning-over plates or shunts on all drawing roads, and to make such arrangements for signalling, &c., as may be necessary to ensure safe and speedy drawing.

20). Before holing into any place not in working, to use additional caution, and to carry out General Rule 9.

21). To see that wherever doors are necessary between an in-take and return not less than two are provided, and that they are so fixed as to close of themselves, and not to stand open.

22). To examine daily, and initial, the report books at the mine, and see that the reports are properly recorded therein.

23). To see that the time and the hours of working are properly carried into effect as specified in the Act for boys and young persons between the ages of 12 and 16, and keep such registers as are required for boys and young persons underground.

24). To keep at his office a register, in which he shall at once enter the name, age, residence, and date of first employment of every man young person, and boy in the pit of which he has charge, and to give a copy of the rules to each person as set on.

25). To see that the General and Special Rules are strictly observed, and immediately report any non-observance of the same to the manager.

26). To see the manager in his office every evening, bringing with him the result of his day’s observations duly entered in his report book and signed.



27). He shall have charge of the mine in the absence of the underlooker, and shall not, without permission, leave the mine until he has seen all men and boys under his charge safely out.

28). To confer with the underlooker and the firemen on the state of the pit each day.

29). To adjust the barometer and thermometer at the bank immediately on ascending and to register their indications.

30). To examine the main intake air currents daily, and if there be any deficiency, to ascertain the cause and make a report to the underlooker.

31). To visit and examine each day those working places in the mine not visited by the underlooker.

32). To travel the return air courses and all accessible parts of the mine frequently, in order to make himself thoroughly acquainted with them.

33). To examine every day, and initial, the report books kept at the pit, and see that the reports are properly recorded in therein.

34). To enter the results of his observations each day in this report book, and sign the same.

35). To visit the stables each evening, and ascertain, by inspection and from the horse-keeper, that all the horses and ponies have been safely brought in and are all right, and to enter the same in the report book.

36). To make an examination each night of all the mouthings opening into the shaft, and see they are in a safe and open condition, and free from all obstruction.

37). He shall have charge of the entire ventilation of the pit, including both intake and return air courses, under the direction of the manager and underlooker.

38). To see that the air courses are such as to provide an adequate quantity of air to keep the working places of the shafts, levels, stables, sumps and workings of the mine, and the travelling roads to and from such working places free from all noxious gases.

39). Where there is furnace ventilation, to see that the furnace and boiler drifts are cleaned when necessary and that the furnaces, when not in use are ready for lighting, and also to frequently travel the airways to the sides of the said drifts.

40). To confer daily with the underlooker as to any alteration needed in the ventilation, but not to make any change in the mode of ventilation without first obtaining the sanction of the manager.

41). No door in the waste to be propped or fastened back on its hinges; all doors to be so fixed as to close themselves, and if between the main intake and return must be doubled, so as to check one another, and where practicable, to be kept locked.

42). To examine and keep in repair all stoppings, air crossings and doors.

43). To examine the main intakes and returns and goaf edges frequently.

44). All stoppings to be kept with two openings of the face, to be built next to the waggon way, and to be built with bricks and mortar.

45). He shall measure the air intakes, returns and in each separate split once a week, and to enter the results of the same in the books provided for that purpose, unless some other person is appointed by the manager.

46). To see that the General and Sepia Rules are duly observed and carried into effect, and immediately to report any non-observance of the same to the manager or underlooker.



47). To have charge of the underground workings during the night, under the direction of the manager.

48). To confer with the underlooker and the back-underlooker each night before entering the pit.

49). To keep secure all the waggon ways and travelling roads, and to make frequent examinations on the tops of all loftings and under all scaffolds.

50). To provide sufficient manholes or places of refuge on all roads where so required, and to keep the same in a proper and safe state.

51). To examine the main air currents every night, and report any defect to the under-looker or manager.

52). Not to leave the pit in the morning without communicating with the underlooker.

53). To attend to and strictly carry out the General and Special Rules.



54). In the absence of the underlooker and the back-underlooker, the firemen are responsible for the safe working of the mine, and for carrying out the orders of their superiors.

55). To carry out the directions of the underlooker and back underlooker, and to enforce the observance of the general and Special Rules.

56). To descend before the men at such hours as may from time to time be specified by the manager, and carefully examine with a locked safety lamp all the working places and the roadways leading thereto, travelling with the air; to mark, as evidence of his examination, the day of the month in each working place, as near to the face as possible; where gas or other danger is detected to fence off the place and fix a danger signal at a sufficient from the point of danger; and without delay enter in the report book the result of his examination.

57). The fireman shall see that there is at the shunts an ample supply of timber and other materials and that every miner takes into and sets in his place a sufficient quantity of the same to afford him security during the time of working, any deficiency of timber brattice, or other material to be at once reported to the underlooker or back-underlooker.

58). To keep the brattice in all working places within two yards of the face, and to properly fence across the whole width of all entrances to places not in course of actual working or extension.

59). To keep all tramways properly secured and in a working state from the working faces to the inbye end of the shunt or waggon way.

60). To allow no smoking in any mine; any person having lucifer matches, pipes, touch paper or any apparatus for obtaining a light or unlocking a safety lamp in his possession, to be sent at once out of the pit and reported to the underlooker.

61). To keep in good repair all doors, cloth stopping, and fences in the workings, and immediately on a place being holed, to take out all brattice and draw timber, unless specially ordered to do the contrary.

62). Immediately to withdraw every workman from any place rendered dangerous by noxious gases, want of timber, or any other cause whatever; to fence off such place across the whole width, placing a danger signal at sufficient distance from the point of danger, and report the same to the underlooker, and enter a record of the same in his report book, and also in the withdrawal book, any unauthorised person passing beyond a danger signal to be sent out of the mine, and report of the same to be made to the underlooker.

63). To examine each working place in his district at least twice during every shift of workmen, also the edges of the goaves at frequent intervals.

64). To see that all the safety lamps in his district are properly secured.

65). To take charge of any lamp receiving an injury, and to report particulars of the same to the underlooker.

66). To see that every miner is provided with a proper lamp-stand, from which his lamp shall be suspended at all times whilst working, and that it is not placed within two feet of the swing of the pick or other gear with which he may be working.

67). Not to allow any door to be fastened or propped back on its hinges, and to see that every door is so hung that it will fall to and close.

68). The fireman in each district shall before quitting at the end of the day see that all men are out, and that everything is safe and in order, and enter the same in his report book.



69). The whole of the machinery with its appendages, and all erections on the surface and underground are in his charge, and he must keep them in thorough and efficient repair at all times, under the direction of the manager.

70). To inspect and direct the repairs of all engine, coal and other shafts. to at once remedy anything reported to him in his department as unsafe or defective, and to carry out General Rule 13.

71). After cleaning the boiler he shall examine it externally, also the mountings; no boiler, unless examined and passed by him, shall again be set to work, he shall also see that it is examined internally by the person appointed.

72). To see that all shafts, staples, machinery, gangways and dangerous places are securely fenced; and he or some competent person deputed by him, with the consent of the manager, shall examine each working shaft weekly, and see that the guides, conductors, lining, casing, tubing, and all things therein are kept secure, and enter and sign a report in the book kept for that purpose.

73). He, or a competent person deputed by him for the purpose, shall once every twenty-four hours examine the state of the external parts of the machinery, head-gear, cages, spunneys, ropes, engine-planes and chains, both on the surface and underground, and enter and sign a report in the book kept for that purpose. He shall also see that every cage in which persons usually ascend is provided with a bar inside it hold on by.

74). He shall instruct the stokers and boiler-minders as to the proper pressure of steam and depth of water to be maintained in each boiler, in the working and regulation of the alarm whistles, water floats, steam gauges, shutting-off valves, safety valves, and dampers, and once a day to see that they are free and in good order.

75). To carry out General Rule 19 with respect to providing proper means of signalling.

76). Whenever he has to employ any workmen in the shaft or underground, he is responsible for their attending to the rules, and he must make them acquainted with such rules, and he shall not proceed with such work until he has made arrangements with the manager.

77). To have entire charge of the shaft, gin, jack crab and cradle, ropes and chains, and to examine them from time to time, and to remove, reverse, or repair them when necessary.

78). To keep a record of all repairs done to any boiler.

79). To report daily to the manager any defects and alterations needed in his department.

80). To see that section 14 of the Act, with respect to persons in charge of machinery, be duly observed.

81). To have entire charge of the fan and the fan-drifts, to see that doors leading into the latter are kept closed, and that no lights other than locked safety lamps are used within them; also that the rate of speed authorised by the manager is regularly maintained by the fan, and that no change is made without an order in writing from him; to see that the number of revolutions morning and evening is entered in the book provided for that purpose.



82). Each engineman shall once a shift thoroughly examine his engine, rope-rolls, and horns, the ropes upon the rolls or drums, the signal bell and other machinery, and shall immediately report to the engineer any defect he may observe.

83). To have a thorough understanding of every signal used, and to attend to the same, and on no account to start his engine until he has received the proper signal. If a signal be indistinct he must not move the engine until it is repeated.

84). On no pretext to leave the handles whilst the engine is in motion, and to remain at his post until relieved by another person; or, if only one engineman be employed, until every person has left the mine.

85). To use every care in the handling and working of the engine, and to see that every bearing is regularly and sufficiently lubricated.

86). Not to allow anyone to work the engine or be in the engine-house without the permission of the engineer.

87). When lowering or raising persons, to use extra care, and when the engine and cages have stood for more than an hour to run the cages in the shaft once each way before allowing men to ride.

88). In the absence of the banksman to see that no person descends the shaft without permission from the proper authority; that no person goes down the pit in a state of intoxication; that no intoxicating drinks are taken down the pit; that no more than the proper number of persons descend at one time; that the safety gates are in the proper position.



89). To not exceed the allowed pressure of steam, and to maintain a proper depth of water in each boiler; should anything prevent this, to at once withdraw the fire and report the same to the engineer.

90). To carry out the instructions of the engineer with respect to the working and regulation of the alarm whistles, water-floats, steam gauges, shutting-off valves, safety valves and dampers, and once a day to see they are free and in good order.

91). To examine every boiler internally after cleaning and repairing, also the mountings, and if satisfied that it is in a fit state to be worked, to report the same engineer.



92). To have charge of the hempsteads, screens and sidings, and to see that the banksman and all other persons under his charge carry out the rules.

93). To see that the foreman at the screen extinguishes all unnecessary fires when the pit is done winding coals.

94). To see that the person in charge with the setting of the waggons at each pit gives warning to all persons employed on or about the screens before allowing any waggon to be removed from under the screens, and in no case sets any waggon in motion until by personal examination he has assured himself that everyone is out of the way and the road clear.

95). To see that there is constantly at the pit a sufficient stock of all necessary timber and that it is promptly sent into the pit as ordered.

96). To keep at his office a register in which he shall enter the name, age, residence and date of first employment of every man, woman and boy employed under his charge above the ground, and to obtain from the schoolmaster the necessary certificates of attendance for boys under 13 years of age.

97). To see that the regulations prescribed in the Act as to the hours of education, working and intervals for meals for surface work-persons are observed.

98). To see that the general and special rules are rigidly carried out by all persons in his department.



99). Not to allow any person to descend or ascend the pit before or after the time fixed, without permission from the proper authority.

100). Not to allow any intoxicating drinks to be taken down the pit except with the permission from the manager, nor any person to descend in a state of intoxication.

101). Not to allow more than the stated number of persons to descend or ascend at one time.

102). Not to allow anyone to interfere with the signals.

103). Not to allow anyone to ride with full tubs, nor without leave on the cage top, nor in any cage to which no cover is attached.

104). Not to allow anyone to take their tools or gear or loose materials of any kind with them in the cage, all tools and gear to be sent up or down in a tub by themselves, and he shall not pass under to allow any person to pass under the cages while they are in motion.

105). To remain next to the signal rope when people are ascending or descending in order to signal the engineman in case of an accident and to work the catches.

106). To keep the flat sheets, cage bottoms, and all places near the pit’s mouth free from coal, stone, and loose material, and to see that the lights provided are properly attended to.

107). To remain in attendance where their respective duties require them after the pit is done until all the men and boys ordinarily employed are out of the pit.

108). Before leaving the shaft to see that all the rails, gates, chains, and other fences at any openings into he pit or sumps are in the proper position; it is the duty of anyone taking them down to replace them as soon as possible.

109). To attend on all occasions when men or boys ascend or descend unless some other person is specially appointed to do so.

110). To make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the signals.

111). To report at once to the engineer anything falling into the shaft, any defect they may observe in the ropes, chains, cages, conductors, or other apparatus, and to prevent the use of the same until the defect is remedied.

112). To examine every person’s lamp before descending or ascending, to see whether it is securely locked, and to take possession of all lamps found unlocked or in any way unsafe, and to report the same to the underlooker.

113). The following signals shall be observed:

  • 1 when the engine is at rest “go on.”
  • 1 when the engine is in motion “stop.”
  • 2 “lower.”
  • 3 “men about to ascend or descend.”

When Three is knocked the signal must be returned from the top or bottom, as the case may be, before men are allowed to enter the cage. Where persons are allowed to ride in noxious upcast shafts a signal shall be arranged whereby in the event of an unavoidable detention in the shaft the banksman may communicate instructions to the hooker-on.



114). None but locked safety lamps shall be used by any person working in or descending any mine except where exempted by permission in writing from the manager.

115). All safety lamps before being taken into any mine shall be taken to pieces, examined in all parts, and securely locked at the lamphouse by the person or persons duly appointed for that purpose.

116). Every safety lamp shall be numbered and entered in a book against the person’s name to whom it is entrusted.

117). All persons after receiving a safety lamp and before descending the pit shall examine and see that it is properly secured. and no oversight on the part of the person or persons appointed to examine and lock safety lamps shall be an excuse for any person having in any mine an open, insecure, or defective lamp.

118). At such points as the manager may direct, stations will be appointed to which all lamps that require relighting or are damaged shall be brought, and beyond which no light other than a locked safety lamp shall ever be taken. Should any accident happen to a lamp whilst in use, by which the gauze is injured, oil is spilled on the gauze, or it be in any other way rendered unsafe, the person using it shall at once extinguish the light by drawing down the wick within the tube with the pricker, such lamp to be immediately taken out to the appointed station, and not used until properly examined by some authorised person.

119). Every person using a safety lamp is strictly prohibited from unlocking, opening, or interfering with it in any way whilst in use beyond the necessary trimming from the wick with the pricker.

120). All safety lamps shall be constantly suspended from proper stands or props provided for that purpose, and shall not be placed near the goaf or old workings, nor within two feet of the swing of a pick or other gear of the man whilst working.

121). No safety lamp shall be attached to any part of a tub in motion or at rest.

122). Any person observing gas in his lamp shall pull down the flame with the pricker, and with the shield down, and the lamp sheltered, carefully and slowly remove it, leave the place at once and report the same to the fireman.

123). Should any person in charge of a safety lamp lose his light, he shall himself take it to the station to be relighted, re-examined, and locked by some authorised person before being used again.

124). All safety lamps shall be provided with proper shields, which shall constantly be kept down.

125). No person, unless authorised in writing, shall have in his possession underground any key or apparatus for opening his safety lamp, nor shall there bye any such appliances in the mine except those which are in the possession of authorised persons.

126). In any mine in which safety lamps are used no person shall smoke or have there any tobacco, pipe, matches, igniting material of any kind or apparatus for obtaining a light.



127). Shots may be fired by duly authorised persons (hereafter called firemen) only in such parts of the mines as may from time to time be directed by the manager.

128). No shots shall be fired except when the ordinary workmen are out of the mine unless the manager otherwise directed.

129). All shots shall be fired from the return out to the main intake.

130). Only one shot shall be charged or fired in any place at one time.

131). No hole shall be fired unless the fireman thoroughly examine and test for gas the working place itself and adjacent places, and see that the brattice and doors are right.

132). Each fireman shall have absolute control over the charging of any shot which he deems irregular and unworkmanlike.

133). No shot shall be fired in coal unless the holing exceeds three feet in depth.

134). Each fireman shall return immediately after he has fired a shot and examine the working place, the brattice and doors, and satisfy himself that everything is safe.

135). If a shot misses fire the fireman shall, as early as possible, inform the person working in the place, and at once put up a danger board, which danger board shall not be removed except in case of an emergency until after the lapse of one hour.

136). No shot shall ever be unrammed, but in all cases, the hole shall be cut out before another hole is drilled.



137). Every person shall obey the instructions of the underlooker, fireman, or an other superior official. He shall work only where directed, and shall not go into any other part of the workings, except such as he may necessarily pass through to and from his work.

138). No person shall descend or ascend the pit contrary to the instructions of the banksman or hooker-on; all persons shall leave the cage when requested to do so by the banksman or the hooker-on.

139). No person shall ride in the cage with more than the specified number of persons, nor with his tools, gear, nor loose material of any description, nor with full tubs nor on the top of the cage without leave, nor shall he attempt to get in or out whilst the cage is in motion.

140). No person shall descend or ascend the pit except in the cage, or before the specified time, or in any case until the proper signals have been given and returned.

141). No person shall take any intoxicating drink into the pit except by the permission from the manager.

142). If no other place or station has been appointed, every person shall wait at the pithead or other entrance to the mine until the necessary examinations under the General Rules 2 and 3 have been made and announced.

143). No person shall have in his possession in the mine an unlocked safety lamp. a naked light, lucifer match, a tobacco pipe, nor any means or apparatus whatever for obtaining a light or opening a safety lamp, and he shall be subject to be personally searched for the same.

144). No person shall ride on any animal, nor upon the sets, inclines or engine planes, except by permission from the manager.

145). No person must allow any gas to explode in his safety lamp under any circumstances where it can be avoided. If it is necessary to try for or examine the presence of gas the lamp must be raised higher than will allow the presence of the gas to be detected.

146). Any person observing gas of an unusual quantity or an unusual quantity of water in his working place shall at once retire and report the same to the fireman.

147). Every person shall before commencing, and whilst at work, carefully examine his working place and see that it is free from gas and safe in every respect.

148). No person shall enter a place known to contain gas, or go beyond or remove a danger board or other indication of danger unless specially authorised by the underlooker or fireman.

149). Any person holing into old workings shall at once make up the hole, retire from the place, and report the same to the fireman.

150). No person, unless authorised, shall interfere with any timber, door, fence, air course, brattice, stopping, screen, switches, or appliances, or leave open any door he found shut, or do anything to check the ventilation of the mine or to damage the property of the owner.

151). If any person is travelling in any spunney, incline, or brow, the tubs are set in motion, he shall retire to the first refuge hole, and there remain until they have come to a standstill.

152). No person shall go before or behind any tub in motion on any incline or brow except when taking a tub up or down by hand, in which case he shall keep behind and be provided with sufficient scotches or other means of stopping it on the way if required. All persons working in the inclines or brows shall so secure their tubs as to prevent them getting loose, and no tubs shall be left on the rails in any inclined drawing road, incline, or brow.

153). All persons in charge of spunneys and self-acting inclines, or roads where machinery is used, shall see that “chocks” are properly secured before allowing any tub to be brought on, and shall daily examine all chains, ropes, break-gear, and other appliances in their personal use, and shall not use anything unsafe.

154). Every Miner shall secure the roof and sides of his own working place, and should he be unable to procure suitable material for this purpose he shall cease working.

155). Every miner shall set sprags or holing props as soon as there is room, and such sprags or holing props shall be set not more than six feet apart, and shall keep them set during the whole time he is holing or drilling, or whilst any person is engaged near the coal face, they shall not be removed until actually necessary for the purpose of wedging or blasting or otherwise bringing down the coal; should the measures taken fail to bring the coal down, he shall not resume holing, or do or suffer any work to be done near the face until he has cautiously reset sprags or holing props, and every loose end shall be securely spragged before commencing work.

156). Every person before engaging any helper, drawer, or other assistants, shall aquatint the underlooker and obtain sanction; and he shall also make him acquainted with the General and Special Rules. No person under the age of 18 shall get coal in any place alone.

157). Every person in charge of a furnace shall carefully attend to it; when night and day furnaceman are employed, one shall not leave until the other comes, except to inform of his nonattendance and in such case shall return with all speed.

158). All persons (masons, joiners, and others) who are casually employed underground shall be amenable to these rules and shall make themselves acquainted with the same.



159). Any person observing a door standing open that ought to be shut, stoppings injured, any firedamp or other noxious gas, any unusual quantity of water, any insecurity of the roof or sides, of any of these appliances or apparatus connected with the mine, any breach of the Act or of these rules, or any circumstances likely to produce danger, shall at once inform the underlooker or fireman or another officer in charge of the mine.

160). No person acting in a place of trust shall depute anyone to do his work without the sanction of the manager.

161). Any officer unable to attend his work shall cause his superior to be informed thereof in sufficient time to enable him to find a substitute.

162). No person shall do anything to endanger his own or another person’s life.

163). No person shall ill-treat any animal which may be employed underground or in connexion with any mine.

164). No person shall strike or ill-use another, or create any disturbance in the mine or on the surface, or swear at, or use abusive language to, or interfere with any underlooker or other officer in the discharge of his duties.

165). All persons who neglect the rules, or refuse obedience to such orders of the officers as are in accordance with the General rules are to be sent out of the mine with a view to the investigation of the case and the punishment of the offender.



166). The banksman shall not leave the pit while the engine is in motion, and shall, previous to the landing at the bottom of the hoppet, tub, or whatever may be in the course of descent, give a signal to the men working there.

167). The banksman shall in all cases steady the hoppet, tub, or anything about to be sent down before it leaves the top of the shaft, and shall see that all bricks and other small materials are kept below the level of the top; that no stone or loose materials are sticking to the bottom of the hoppet or tub; and that all tools, gear, and timber are properly secured to the bow or chain with a strong hempen rope to be kept for that purpose.

168). The banksman shall that in every case the hoppet or tub is lifted off the settling boards by the engine, and is steadied into the pit, and that nothing is loaded or put into it whilst suspended.

169). The banksman shall secure the “banking waggon” by catch when “off” and “on”, and shall not when the banking out give the signal to lower the hoppet or tub on to the waggon until the latter is in position over the shaft and properly secured.

170). The banksman shall immediately before shots are fired, ascertain from the engine, an that the hoppet or tub is in a proper position, and that he is read at once to withdraw away on receipt of the signal to do so; he shall then signal to the bottom of the shaft to this effect.

171). The chargeman shall descend in the first hoppet in each shift and ascend in the last, and shall change in the bottom.

172). The chargeman in each shift shall have full charge of the sinking operations, and shall once in every shift, or oftener, if necessary, examine the sides of the shaft and pluck any loose stones; and if anything is faulty or unsafe stop sinking until it is made secure; and shall after each examination make a true report of the condition of the pit in a book provided for that purpose and shall sign the same.

173). The chargeman shall see that the hoppets and tubs are not more the level filled, and the stones are properly packed; that no stones or loose materials are sticking to the bottom; that all tools and gear, and timber, are properly secured to the bow or chain with a strong hempen rope, and that the hoppets and tubs are put in a line with the rope and properly steadied before being sent away.

174). The chargeman shall not allow shots to be fired except under his supervision, nor until the hoppet or tub is conveniently placed and a signal had been received from the surface that the engineman is in perfect readiness to draw away; and after a missed shot no one shall enter the pit till after the lapse of one hour.

175). Gunpowder shall not be taken nor sent into the pit until before it is required for use, and shall always be in canisters not more than 4lbs. in each; one only of which shall be open at once.

176). The chargeman after the cessation of work, whether caused by the withdrawal of the workmen for shot-firing purposes or other causes, shall, before allowing the rest of the men to enter, and accompanied by one other person, descend and examine the pit with a safety lamp; and if the intermission of working shall have exceeded one hour, he shall allow no person to enter the pit until a light has been lowered to the bottom to ascertain that no gas had accumulated, after which he shall proceed to make his examination with a safety lamp as above set forth. When within five yards above or below any sea, or when approaching a fault, or where firedamp is likely to be present, none but locked safety lamps shall be used.

177). All persons when ascending or descending shall keep within the hoppet or tub; no person shall ride on a loaded hoppet or tub.


Information supplied by Ian Winstanley and the Coal Mining History Resource Centre.

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