Grassington – SE 025663

The Coalgrovebeck Company built this mill, which began smelting in October 1756, but the Mineral Lord had purchased it for £208 0s 8d by September 1758. Judging from the tonnages it handled, the mill only ever had one ore-hearth.

Unlike the Low Mill, which had hitherto only burned wood, the Moor Mill began by burning peat, which was stored in two adjacent peat houses. Owing to a dispute with the freeholders, who claimed ownership of the soil, however, the use of peat at the Moor Mill was discontinued in the spring of 1768.

Because the Cupola Mill was built alongside the Moor Mill, the latter did not have to run down its stock of ore. Instead, the last concentrate was smelted there on September 7th, 1792, and work was transferred to the Cupola a month later. The Moor Mill was incorporated in the Cupola complex.

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