Family History

We do not hold data on people working in the mines and it is possible that little remains. If there is anything, you will be able to find it at the local record office for that county. A simple Google search for “record office” followed by the place or county you are interested in will provide contact details.

Coal mining information

The coal authority holds all the data relating to mines in the UK, please go to
There is an interactive map of mining areas at


  • Old maps online – zoom in to find larger-scale historical maps up to 1:2500 (25 inches to the mile)
  • The National Library of Scotland’s side-by-side mapping tool allows you to compare any 2 maps (or map and satellite image) side by side. Various historical maps are available up to 1:2500 scale.
  • The government’s Magic Maps website allows you to view modern mapping with different layers you can switch on.


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