George Percy Ashmore died suddenly on August 30th, 1941, at Hove, at the age of 72.

He received his technical education at Freiberg and the Royal School of Mines, London.

From 1893 to 1897, he was manager of the Caylloma silver mines, in Peru, and the following year he was engaged on reporting work in British Guiana. His next appointment for about three years was as general manager of the Caratal Mines, Venezuela, followed by a period spent in reporting on the Cerro de Pasco copper mines, and petroleum wells, in Peru.

In 1901 he left South America for West Africa, to act as general manager of a prospecting expedition on the Gold Coast, and thence he went to Norway.

In 1903 he was appointed consulting engineer and technical adviser to Sir Paul Chester, which entailed visits to China and Malaya. On conclusion of that engagement he returned to England to undertake consulting work, and subsequently for two years was general manager to tin and amblygonite mines, Spain.

In 1907 and the following year he was occupied in reporting on mines in Serbia; and in 1908 he was appointed general manager of the South West Africa Co., Ltd. Later he was associated with the West African Diamond Syndicate, Ltd, of which he was general manager for some years, and he also was engaged in prospecting and reporting in various countries, until he retired from professional work.

Mr. Ashmore was admitted to Studentship of the Institution in 1893; he was elected an Associate 1897 and was transferred to Membership in 1900.

Vol. LI (51), Trans IMM 1941-42, p. 329

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