John Chisholm died in May, 1912.

From 1890 to 1893 he was a student at Otago University and School of Mines, New Zealand, where he obtained his degree of B.Sc. and was awarded diplomas of Associateship in Metallurgy and Geology. On completion of his course of study, he was engaged from 1894 to 1898 on gold mines in various parts of New Zealand as assayer and surveyor, and subsequently acted as metallurgist on the following mines in Western Australia: Mount Malcolm Proprietary, Ltd., Great Boulder Main Reef, Ltd., and Champion Proprietary, Ltd.

In 1905 he was appointed manager of the Demerara Exploration Co., Ltd., in British Guiana, and in 1908 he transferred his services in the same capacity to the Anglo-Russian Platinum Co., Ltd., at their property, the Nikolas Pavdinsk Estate, Perm Government, Russia.

At the time of his death, which occurred through the capsizing of a canoe, he was in charge of the Anglo-Colombian Development Syndicate, Ltd., at Buenaventura, Republic of Colombia.

Mr. Chisholm was elected an Associate of the Institution in 1908.

Vol. 21, Trans I.M.M. 1911-12, p. 722


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