Neil Macphail Galbreath died at Rodalquilar, Spain, on April 11th, 1931, at the age of 56.

He started his professional training in 1890 whilst working as laboratory assistant in a sugar refinery in Scotland, by attending classes in Greenock, with two sessions at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.

In May, 1895, he joined the stuff of the Cassel Gold Extracting Co. in Glasgow, and in December of the following year went to South Africa as assayer and afterwards cyanide manager on the Lisbon-Berlyn group of mines. From 1898 to 1901 he was in the United States as metallurgical and cyanide chemist operating the MacArthur-Forrest patents, then proceeded again to South Africa, where he was employed in Southern and Northern Rhodesia and the Transvaal. In 1908 he was engaged as cyanide chemist in Portugal, and a few years later was in the United States. Thence he went to the Frontino and Bolivia Company, in the Republic of Colombia, with whom he remained for several years. Finally, in 1928, he went to the Mines de Villemagne, Gard, France, of which he was mill manager for three years.

Mr. Galbreath was elected an Associate of the Institution in 1909.

Vol. 41, Trans IMM 1931-32, p.655

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