Thomas Hall Imrie died at the Abosso Mine, Gold Coast Colony, on August 11th, 1928, at the age of 51.

He was apprenticed from 1893 to 1898 to the firm of Messrs. McTaggart, Gowan, Civil Engineers, of Glasgow, and during that period attended the class in engineering at the Technical College, Glasgow, under the late Professor Rait. On completion of his indentures he remained with the firm as assistant for three years, and in 1901 he left Glasgow for West Africa, when he was for upwards of three years assistant engineer on the Lagos Government Railway. While thus engaged he passed the Licensed Surveyors’ Examination at Accra, Gold Coast Colony. In 1904 he was appointed sampler, chief surveyor and assistant underground manager at the Bibiani Goldfields, Sefwi, remaining on that mine until 1911, when he became chief surveyor to the Amalgamated Group of Mines, West Africa. In 1912 he was appointed surveyor to the Abosso Gold Mining Co.,

Ltd., and subsequently to the Taquah & Abosso Mines, Ltd G.M. Co., Ltd., and he remained with the Taquah & Abosso Mines, Ltd., until his death.

Mr. lmrie was elected an Associate of the lnstitution in 1913.

Vol. 38, Trans IMM 1928-29, p.487

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