Chester Wells PurIington died in Yokohama on September 1st, 1923, owing to the fall of the building in which he was living on the occasion of the great Japanese earthquake.

He was American citizen, born in Boston, U.S.A., in 1871. He graduated at Harvard in 1893, and for four years following he was attached to the mining division of the U.S. Geological Survey, working the Southern Appalachians, Colo. In 1898 he was engaged mining examinations in Siberia and Dutch Guiana, and for some years subsequent to that date he paid periodic visits to Siberia, Mexico, Canada, and various districts of the United States from his headquarters at Denver, Colo.

In 1908 he took up residence in London, as consulting engineer, principally to Russian mines. In 1922, he proceeded to Japan as consulting engineer to mines in Korea. He contributed a paper to the Transactions on ‘The Bereozovsk Gold Deposit, Ural District, Russia’ (vol. xxiii, 1913-14). Mr. Purington was elected a Member of the Institution in 1908.

Vol. 34, Trans I.M.M., 1924-25, p.572

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