John Ernest Snelus died in Nigeria on February 2nd, 1934, at the age of 62.

He graduated from the Royal School of Mines with the A.R.S.M. in 1894, having previously matriculated at the London University in 1890, and obtained his first post as Assistant in the Blaina Collieries, South Wales.

In 1896 he went to the Republic of Colombia, first as assistant and afterwards as manager of the Diamantina & Vesubio Gold Mining Co., Ltd., at Neiva. In 1900 he opened up and reported on a haematite property in the Asturias, North Spain, and on completion of that work went to the Gold Coast Colony in charge of a prospecting expedition. During 1901-2 he was in British Columbia reporting on properties near Rossland.

From 1902 to 1910 he was employed by Messrs. John Taylor & Sons, as superintendent of the New Kempinkote Goldfields, Ltd., in India, as superintendent for the Mysore Reefs & General Exploration Co., Ltd., at Um Rus Gold Mines in Egypt, and as superintendent of the Cape Copper Company’s Rakka Hill mines, in India. During 1911 he was engaged on reporting in Madagascar, and in 1912 he was appointed manager for the Kaduna Syndicate, Ltd., Nigeria. Later, in 1924, he took over the management of the Naraguta (Nigeria) Tin Mines, Ltd.

Mr. Snelus was elected a Member of the Institution in 1903.

Vol. 44, Trans I.M.M., 1934-35, p.459

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