Stanley George Everard Turrill died in Siam early in 1923, aged 42.

He was with the Fife Coal Co., Ltd., from 1898 to 1907, first as pupil and eventually its head surveyor, and in 1908 put in a term’s tuition at the Royal School of Mines, where he passed the examination in mine-surveying. For two years, from June, 1908, to June, 1910, he was demonstrator in mine-surveying at the R.S.M. under Professor L.H. Cooke.

In 1910 he was appointed mining engineer and surveyor to the Kent Coal Concessions, Ltd., at Dover. Subsequently, he went through a further course at the Royal School of Mines; and in 1922 he received an appointment in the Royal Department of Mines at Bangkok, Siam.

Mr. Turrill was elected an Associate of the Institution in 1912.

Vol. 33, Trans IMM 1923-24, p.541

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