Eric Leslie Young died at Oda, West Africa, from malaria, on April 12th, 1935, at the age of 52.

From 1900 to 1903 he was occupied as registrar in the London office of a group of mining and land companies, and during the last year attended the winter session of the Birkbeck College. He next entered for a three years’ course at the Camborne School of Mines, but before completion he was appointed assistant engineer on the manganese mines of the Central Provinces Prospecting Syndicate, Ltd., Central Provinces, India.

In 1910 he went to West Africa as prospector and surveyor to the Wallis Co., Ltd., and afterwards to the West African Enterprise Syndicate, Ltd. For some time previous to his death he was manager of the North Ashanti Mining Co., Ltd.

Mr. Young was admitted to Studentship of the Institution in 1906, and was transferred to Associateship in 1911.

Vol. 45, Trans IMM 1935-36, p.526

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